
The quality of the teaching work is also aided by the way in which the study process is carried out, since lectures, exercises and obligations are held on weekends (Friday - Sunday), so that after the course is completed and the time for individual work is followed by an exam and only after that the lectures and exercises for the next subject. The students rated this method of performance excellent and consider it an exceptional solution for employed students, since they can devote themselves fully to their studies. Likewise, this type of study is appropriate for the lecturers.

Business experts
The study is attended by renowned experts from the economy, state and local government. During their studies, students get to know the heads of boards of foreign and domestic companies, as well as representatives of ministries and local communities, who directly share their experience with students.

Practical course
The courses are carefully designed and do not contain content that the manager does not need in managing his profession. Courses are focused on practicality and usability!

Solving specific problems
Studies are focused on solving concrete problems, so every theory is put into practice. As part of the study, students receive tasks that have to be solved directly from companies.

The study program is deficient, employable, and interdisciplinary and European oriented, thus competitive in the domestic and European labor markets.

Individual approach
The study is conducted in small groups, where the flow of knowledge from the lecturer to the student is direct, the lecturers are accessible to each student daily.

International comparability
The comparability and recognition of the completed obligations, examinations and diplomas ensure the coherence of studies under the Bologna system, which enables the continuity and continuation of studies at domestic and foreign universities.